Planned Giving
3 Dimensional Planned Giving: Sharing Life’s Treasures

The Cathedral of All Souls
Planned Giving is the least understood and most poorly executed part of development programs across the country. Mountain Non-Profit Solutions has created a unique system to assist development offices and churches in how they actually conduct a program that works. Our three options are tailored to your particular needs and address planned giving techniques, end of life issues, and spirituality.
There are two fundamental problems in the way planned giving is marketed:
A donor’s life long, enduring passion is what leads to a planned gift. We help you find and center on your prospect’s enthusiasm.
Planned giving is only one of 24 major decisions an individual needs to make regarding their end of life issues. If you choose our unique program, Sharing Life’s Treasures, we can help donors plan for the other 23 decisions as well.
Each of our approaches gives you everything you need for success.
The following outline explains what is included with each one:
- Traditional
- 8 letters to be mailed over two years.
- Training for volunteer follow up.
- Materials for brochures and endowment programs.
- Procedures for home gatherings and larger plenary sessions.
- Tools for forming your Legacy society.
- Tips for working with financial advisors.
- Sharing Life’s Treasures
12 letters to be mailed over two years – similar to those in the traditional program but adding other components for a more comprehensive plan for end of life spiritual and practical issues.
Other items same as the traditional program.
- Guided Program
- Same materials as in the first two programs.
- Personal involvement in your program to:
- Work directly with your Board (s).
- Give selected presentations to your donor prospects.
- Follow up individually with interested prospects.
Mountain Non-Profit Solutions listens to your needs and then provides you with everything you require for success. Planned Giving is not difficult, expensive, or time-consuming.
We can get you started, walk you through the process, and guide you to completion.